Image description: All speech is in grey speech balloons, mostly rectangular
T-Rex: Today is a good day, I think, for a guest comic.
T-Rex: I'm in a comic!?
T-Rex: It appears that by informing me of my current existence within a medium of entertainment, the guest comic author has already broken the so-called "fourth wall."
Dromiceiomimus: Why should that matter? Your existence now is in no way different than it was before.
T-Rex: but as a character in a comic, I am required to be a source of entertainment. This is a demand that I have up to now been unaware of. Thus I must provide the reader with some semblance of comedic banter... perhaps a pun using the phrase "breaking the fourth wall" and my current action of crushing many walls.
Dromiceiomimus: I believe that particular point would have been better off remaining a subtle irony.
T-Rex: Since I do not have a joke readily available, I will just have to resort to entertainment through violence.
Utahraptor: But you don't NEED to come up with a joke or rely on entertaining violence!
T-Rex: How so?
Utahraptor: As a character in a comic, you have no true free will of your own. Nor do you think at all! It is the author that will com up with the joke.
T-Rex: But what if he forgets to come up with a funny punchline? If I have no free will, does that mean that I will be forced to just take up space in the last caption and say nothing at all?
Utahraptor: If the author is a lazy bum, yes.
〚The car is stuck to the top border of this panel, and is missing from panel 3〛
T-Rex: I don't see a punchline!
Off panel: Just say "who the hell goes to Cornwall"
T-Rex: Seriously, who does that?
Off panel: I know! Seriously!