T-Rex: AS WE ALL KNOW, once light reaches our eyes, it can take upwards of 50 milliseconds before the chemical process of vision has completed and the information is in a usable form in our brain. 50 milliseconds, you guys! That's like...
T-Rex: It seems to me there's a lot of room for improvement there! And it seems to me that perhaps - I'M the one who's taken the next step and evolved a vision system that spits data out in 5 milliseconds, instead of 50??
Dromiceiomimus: Let's assume you are that guy with the 5-millisecond vision!
T-Rex: Oooh! Let's!!
Utahraptor: Congratulations, you've just become the most dangerous man on the planet!
T-Rex: ...How?
Utahraptor: Seeing things 45 milliseconds before every other living thing means that, for all intents and purposes, you can see the future. You can react to things before anyone else is even aware that they've happened.
T-Rex: Holy crap! I need to evolve this ability STAT!!
T-Rex's back: *pop*
T-Rex: Utahraptor I think I made a problem that can only be solved by hospitals