T-Rex: I just woke up with the phrase "50 million dollar church for squirrels" stuck in my head!
T-Rex: Um, so I guess THIS is what I should be doing with my life?
T-Rex: The first issue is fifty million dollars is a LOT of dollars, especially just to give squirrels a place of worship. The second issue is, do squirrels even have spiritual lives?
Dromiceiomimus: More importantly, do they even have spiritual lives that correspond with the church you're building?
T-Rex: Frig, I don't even know if squirrels can conceptualize their own death!!
Utahraptor: The question is, is self-awareness truly necessary for spirituality AND IF SO, do squirrels have it?
T-Rex: Who knows?!
Utahraptor: We're in the deep end of the philo/theological pool here, and THE LIFEGUARD JUST WENT ON BREAK.
T-Rex: Okay, PRACTICAL QUESTIONS: should all $50 million be spent on construction, or should some be saved for maintenance?
Utahraptor: If you ask me, this whole squirrel church idea is nuts!
T-Rex and off panel: Hah hah hah