T-Rex: Need to have the two love interests in your romantic comedy meet in some cute way? You need a "meet" "cute"!
T-Rex: Stay with me!!
T-Rex: "Meet cute" is the scene in the movie where your two characters come together and both spill the same flavour of nutritional smoothie on each other. ADORABLE, right? AND an excellent foundation for a lifelong commitment!
Dromiceiomimus: Is there a name for the scene where they break up due to a misunderstanding that could've been avoided if they all just addressed each other like adults?
T-Rex: Uh, "seemingly mandatory"?
Utahraptor: What about the scene where they both have the same action figure?
T-Rex: Huh?
Utahraptor: You know! They both have the same toy from some obscure 80s cartoon, the couple fights, goes home, sees the toy, remembers how its catch phrase was say "Time to give justice a chance... or TWO!" then hold up its fists, then they meet in the rain and reconcile and say they've already given their love a chance...
Off panel: ...but now they're giving it TWO. Aaaaand INSTAKISS.
T-Rex: Utahraptor!!
T-Rex: Can you write all movies forever please, thanks in advance??