T-Rex: The number 0 is interesting because it's the only number we've got that you can't divide by without causing a black hole.
T-Rex: And 1 is interesting because it's so lonely! The loneliest of all numbers, I'VE heard.
T-Rex: 2's interesting because it's the first AND ONLY even prime number, and 3's interesting because it's our closest single-digit approximation for pi and that's especially useful if you don't really care about pi!
Dromiceiomimus: Like teens!
T-Rex: It's true! MANY teens don't care about pi; it is a fact all mathematicians must admit in their heart of hearts!!
Utahraptor: But as you know, we've got infinite numbers! They're our only infinitely-renewable natural resource.
T-Rex: True!
T-Rex: And you might say, hey, EVENTUALLY one of 'em has to be boring. But that leads to paradox: our first boring number becomes interesting BECAUSE it's our first boring number! Therefore, proof by contradiction, there's no such thing as a boring number, all numbers are interesting, and math is so cool.
Banner: MATH: you can use it to prove math is cool!
Off panel: Actually your proof falls apart if you rigorously define "interesting", and -
T-Rex: Silence!!
Banner: MATH: shut up