T-Rex: Antonio Tony, my adult fiction character, found himself in a situation he'd never expected or planned for!
Narrator: meets
T-Rex: The man's name was "Mancave Steele", OBVIOUSLY, OF COURSE HE WOULD BE NAMED THAT, and he made Antonio question lots he was already certain about, such as "can men who consider themselves 'heterosexual' have sex with other men"? Turns out, they could! Antonio and Mancave proved that SEVERAL times!
Dromiceiomimus: In a row?
T-Rex: Sure, why not.
Utahraptor: T-Rex, I applaud you for progressive narrative, despite its hauntingly stupid character names!
T-Rex: Huh?
Utahraptor: As you know, the sexual health issues facing gay men don't care about labels, but WE do - the unfortunate side-effect being some men who sex men don't identify as "gay" or "bi", but straight, and therefore ignore messages that target "the gays"! Your story helps illuminate, and therefore conquer, this barrier.
T-Rex: As Antonio did erotic sex on Mancave, he was happy that he was super progressive and not just a straight character turned gay because nobody could let a name like "Mancave Steele" go to waste. His reverie was interrupted by Mancave mumbling "I love your rad weiner", VERY sexually. THE END.