T-Rex: A lot of people will ask themselves one day "Hey! Pop quiz, hotshot: what is the meaning of life?"
T-Rex: And a lot of people will not know the friggin' answer!
T-Rex: These people, however, are chumps. Do they not know you can just LOOK UP the meaning of life on WIKIPEDIA, a.k.a. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA THAT ANYONE CAN EDIT?? Which therefore makes it an AUTHORITY??
Dromiceiomimus: So did you do this?
T-Rex: Sure did! It's uh, it's not good news though.
Utahraptor: What, there's no answer?
T-Rex: No, there's plenty!
T-Rex: It's all equivocal "some people say this, some OTHER people say this" until you get to the end where there's a big bold "LIFE IS BAD", followed by "Better to never have been" - THERE'S A CITATION FOR THAT, BY THE WAY - and then "See also: vale of tears". And it's not vandalism: it's been up for YEARS.
T-Rex: I hope the Wikipedia editors are doing well; I worry sometimes