T-Rex: A lot of folks don't like to say bad words all the time! OCCASIONALLY, sure, as a sometimes treat, but not ALL the time.
T-Rex: That's why we invented euphemisms!
T-Rex: Of course, if you're SUPER precious about what you think a bad word is, you'll run into problems. What happens if you've decided a word everyone else uses sounds obscene?
Dromiceiomimus: You invent a new word to replace it?
T-Rex: You got it!
Utahraptor: Like instead of breasts, bosoms!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: The Puritans were UNSURPRISINGLY hard core on this one and invented tons of new words. "Cock" had started making people think of cool weiners in the 1600s, so they came up with "rooster" instead! They also thought "bull" was rude and invented "gentleman cow", but to my ETERNAL REGRET that never caught on.
T-Rex: In conclusion, "gee whiz" started life as a minced oath version of "Jesus".
Off panel: Gee Whiz tap dancing Christ, I had no idea!
T-Rex: RIGHT?? It's the truth though!
T-Rex: No gentleman cow, dude!!