T-Rex: George Orwell once said "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face"!
T-Rex: Pretty big downer, George Orwell!
T-Rex: Instead of imagining a boot stamping on a human face - which seems OBVIOUSLY UNKIND towards humans - why not instead imagine a boot stamping on a button marked "IT'S THE FUTURE NOW, EVERYTHING'S GREAT!"? Huh?
T-Rex: No answer to THAT little question, eh Orwell?
Utahraptor: Orwell's dead.
T-Rex: Oh.
T-Rex: Well, if you want to imagine Orwell's grave, just imagine a boot, who is sentient, solemly paying respects by a piece of granite with Orwell's name on it.
Utahraptor: "Orwell" was a pen name. Your boot wants the gravestone for "Eric Arthur Blair".
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: If you want a picture of the future, imagine me being confused by all the things I still don't know