T-Rex: Some more salad? I believe I echo the words of the great Batman himself when I say...
T-Rex: "No thanks, I'm full!"
Dromiceiomimus: Whoah! Did Batman REALLY say that?
T-Rex: Listen, Batman's been published for longer than my ENTIRE LIFE. There's PROBABLY a comic out there where Batman politely declined some food with a harmless social lie. And if there ISN'T, there's probably no-one who can check!
Utahraptor: You sure about that? There's a lot of Batman fans out there.
T-Rex: Okay, MAYBE.
T-Rex: But even IF there's someone who's consumed EVERY piece of Batman media ever published, I don't think he or she is in earshot.
Utahraptor: But one could say the onus is on YOU to provide a source for Batman's full tummy quote, no?
T-Rex: And in response I would say the giant T-Rex statue Batman keeps in his cave is of ME, and the onus is on YOU to prove me wrong! When has Batman ever said "This T.rex ISN'T of my good buddy T-Rex?", huh??