T-Rex: Bodies! Sometimes they work great, and sometimes they fall down in novel and surprising ways!
T-Rex: Both literally AND metaphorically!
T-Rex: And yet - AND YET - we're all stuck with them! We're all walking around with bodies like it's a super cool thing to do, like it's somehow NOT incredibly embarrassing??
Dromiceiomimus: Oh, it's desperately cringe to be mortal.
T-Rex: I KNOW!
Utahraptor: What do you propose? Uploading our minds to computers?
T-Rex: Nah, that sucks.
T-Rex: It sucks to be a computer and everyone not currently inside a computer knows it. You ever see what I do with my computers? I drop 'em by accident and then get new ones. Plus I wanna play games! If grandma's in my computer she better make room because I wanna play Doom (1993).
Off panel: Doom (1993) doesn't take up that much space. You could play Doom and still keep grandma around.
T-Rex: Not if I download HELLA MODS!
Off panel: You can still fit them in and -
T-Rex: Look.
T-Rex: I'm overwriting grandma with Doom for personal reasons, okay