T-Rex: I'm tired of all this a-fussin' and a-feudin'! It's time to settle this long-running debate once and for all!! It's time to list...
T-Rex: ...the TOP TEN ORGANS!
T-Rex: At #1, it's gonna be the brain. I am basically just a walking brain and I have decided that the brain is the #1 best organ. Is it the greatest? Certainly. The coolest? Absolutely. The most impressive and dare I say... sexiest??
T-Rex: As a brain, all I can say is - "HELL YEAH BABY!!"
Utahraptor: I gotta say, the brain is a LEECH.
T-Rex: WHAT?! How can you say that, as a FELLOW BRAIN?
Utahraptor: You know the ENERGY and NUTRIENTS it takes to keep a brain running? It's RIDICULOUS. I'd have like 20% more glucose EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY if I didn't have a stupid brain! It just takes and takes!!
T-Rex: And gives you the ability to even KNOW that it takes! That counts for something!
Off panel: I'm supposed to be impressed that it WANTS me to know how much it has the rest of my bod wrapped around its little medulla oblongata? PLEASE.
T-Rex: But -
Off panel: DUDE. It's an ORGAN that can get DEPRESSED. F-TIER, case closed, see ya later BYE.