T-Rex: Okay, it turns out SOME brains around here have BRAIN OPINIONS. So let's leave THAT a-fussin' and a-feudin' to the side and examine...
T-Rex: ...the TOP TEN ORGANS (excluding the brain!)
T-Rex: First off, I think we can all agree that we have to put the heart at the top of the list - because without hearts we'd die, and if we insulted our hearts they might betray us and attempt the murder act. When your heart attacks you we call that a "heart attack", Dromiceiomimus.
Dromiceiomimus: Huh!
Utahraptor: Yeah, but you'd die without MOST organs!
T-Rex: Not hardly!
T-Rex: You can live without an appendix.
Utahraptor: Okay, true, but it's a reservoir for helpful gut bacte--
T-Rex: And you can get by with HALF the normal amount of lungs and kidneys! And don't even get me started on FINGERS.
T-Rex: But you've only got the one heart, and you insta-die without it, so: #1 organ, EASY.
Off panel: Okay, fine. What are the other top organs, from #2 to #10?
T-Rex: OH!!
T-Rex: Sex bits