T-Rex: Let's assume there are x people alive currently.
T-Rex: This is very easy to assume because it's 100% true!
T-Rex: But x is a finite number - ever changing, true, and ever-replenished, but FINITE. There are a limited number of people: more than at any moment in history, but still - finite!
T-Rex: And THAT means there's a limited number of FRIENDS.
Utahraptor: Dude, the number's in the BILLIONS!
T-Rex: Yes, but -
Utahraptor: Nah, let me stop you right there.
Utahraptor: There's 1440 minutes in a day. If you define friendship as talking with someone for just one minute ONCE A DECADE and you NEVER SLEEP, that's 5.2 million friendships - which is STILL less than 0.07% of ALL PEOPLE! You will NEVER run out of potential friends!
T-Rex: Aha, but YOUR numbers assume that over 99.93% of all people aren't weapons-grade jabroinis!
Off panel: Are they?
T-Rex: Heck man, they're not my friends! How good could they be??