T-Rex: There are ENTIRE SPECIES of animals that we don't know ANYTHING about beyond the fact they're there! Whole species!
T-Rex: Someone should do something!
T-Rex: Look, a HUGE part of who I am is believing that we have discovered what is discoverable - but turns out, nope! There's billions and billions of us alive AT THE SAME TIME, and not ONE of us looked into these animals yet!
T-Rex: Whoopsie doopsie!!
Utahraptor: The world is filled with more wonder than you know!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: And that is NOT the world I thought I was in. I thought I was in a world of FACTS, but now I find out I'm in a world of mystery and wonder?? Uh, no thanks? Wake me up when you've got this all sorted, because this is embarrassing?
Utahraptor: Wait, are you gonna Rip Van Winkle your way to the future?
T-Rex: Wait, are YOU telling me this is an option?? Because I will ABSOLUTELY honk shoo mimimi my way to a better world!
T-Rex: I'm already spending a third of my life unconscious and hallucinating, DON'T TEMPT ME