T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes, who was Spock from Star Trek's distant relative but there's no time to get into that right now, frowned.
T-Rex: HERE was a crime to puzzle even the greatest crime-puzzlers!
T-Rex: And that was good, because Sherlock was for sure one of them. The victim was dead - their heart cut out of their body, and now missing - and they were in a LOCKED ROOM from which nobody had entered or left! It was impossible! Even suicide was out, because even if you could commit suicide by cutting out your own heart fast enough, then WHERE'D THE HEART GO?
Utahraptor: Dead guy gobbled it.
T-Rex: What?!
Utahraptor: When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth. So, given the locked room, they must've committed suicide by cutting out their own heart, then gobblin' it SUPER FAST.
T-Rex: How improbable!
Utahraptor: But not impossible!!
T-Rex: 'Twas a NEEDLESSLY improbable suicide, and gross too. Sherlock much preferred crimes that involved fun cipher guys or glow in the dark dogs, and so told Watson not to write this one down.
T-Rex: Watson was too busy puking from all the grossness to write, so it worked out well!