T-Rex: Argh! People on the internet:
T-Rex: So dumb!
T-Rex: I can't take it any more, Dromiceiomimus! Everyone is off posting their dumb theories based off incorrect facts, and nobody even recognizes subtlety! So many people are so lame!
Dromiceiomimus: Is there such a thing as an incorrect fact? Doesn't being a fact imply correctness?
T-Rex: Aaah! That's not the point! RAGE!
Utahraptor: So why are you raging here against people on the internet? Why not post a scathing reply online?
T-Rex: Argh!
T-Rex: I have too much rage! All these people are writing dumb things with incorrect spelling and grammar, and when you correct them, they just get angrier! Its really annoying!
Utahraptor: Aha! You just used the wrong "its" there, my friend!
T-Rex: IT WAS SUBTLE IRONY. Sheesh, everyone! Subtlety!
T-Rex: Also!
T-Rex: Noticing such things in spoken language is impossible!