T-Rex: So what's the deal with SISTERHOOD?
T-Rex: Hah hah!
T-Rex: Am I right?
Dromiceiomimus: Oh, T-Rex! Are you upset because as a male, you'll never be able to know the small joys and frustrations of having and being a sister?
T-Rex: No way! I know all about sisterhood! I know all about all sorts of things.
Utahraptor: I don't think you do! I think this is something which almost by definition is unknowable for you.
T-Rex: Well even if it WAS, I could always get a sex change and a new family or something. I don't know! How nuanced can it be to be a member of a set of two mutually female siblings?
Utahraptor: You'll never know!
T-Rex: Do you ever wonder what the pillow fights are like?