T-Rex: I've never had a nightmare! Or at least, I've never remembered them and they've never been enough to wake me up, which amounts to pretty much the same thing.
T-Rex: I'd like to have some nightmares, please!
T-Rex: I want some consequence-free scares and that sense of that irrational creeping terror that I really don't get in my day-to-day life.
Dromiceiomimus: Nightmares aren't really that great, T-Rex. Bad things happen to people you like.
T-Rex: Oh, I know! I know. I just feel a little left out when everyone gets to have nightmares but me! I feel... I feel like the only girl in grade 8 who hasn't hit puberty yet.
Utahraptor: That strikes me as an odd analogy, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Does it?
Utahraptor: Yeah. I don't - I don't understand what you're going for with it. Why are you a girl? And why would you compare puberty to a nightmare in the first place? You've had some success with it.
T-Rex: Hah! I SURE have.
T-Rex: Hey, I have unfocused, confusing sexual desires!
T-Rex: Alright!