T-Rex: God, do you think I'm a good enough dude to write an opera?
God: UM
T-Rex: Man! Even God thinks I can't write an opera!
Dromiceiomimus: Why would you want to write an opera, T-Rex?
T-Rex: WELL, the consensus seems to be that opera is the classiest of the classical arts. If I could write a great opera, it would mean that I was awesome at composing music AND awesome at writing words for dudes and ladies to sing! It would also mean that I could move people with my AMAZING UNDERSTANDING OF EMOTIONS.
Utahraptor: Hah! You're not a guy who understands emotions!
T-Rex: I am. I am!
Utahraptor: Not really dude! You understand how to make fun of them, MAYBE, but if I had a serious emotional issue, I don't think I'd come to you for empathy!
T-Rex: I'm empathetic! Watch! Watch me be so emPATHETIC right now.
T-Rex: Perhaps you have not yet noticed my odd pronunciation of "empathetic", hinting at a pun and a belief at odds with my literal speech?
Off panel: No, I got that!
T-Rex: Sweet!
T-Rex: I'm glad we're friends!