T-Rex: So we all know about Medusa and how her gaze turned peeps to statue peeps and then they cut off her head. But imagine if she wasn't an only child! IMAGINE IF SHE HAD SISTERS??
T-Rex: Okay! Stop imagining because it turns out she totally had sisters!
T-Rex: They're named Euryale and Stheno and like Medusa they have crazy snake hair too! And they're more powerful than her because THESE sisters are immortal.
Dromiceiomimus: How come we never hear about them?
T-Rex: Because could you keep going to work and being a productive member of society if you knew IMMORTAL SNAKEHAIR WOMEN were running around?
Dromiceiomimus: I suppose that would be a good excuse not to
Utahraptor: How many people did they turn to stone?
T-Rex: ZERO. They claimed they couldn't!
T-Rex: But in my story they're actually the only ones who CAN stonify people, and they can control it. They prank their kid sister Medusa to make her think SHE'S doing it unwillingly, but the pranks go too far and she gets murdered. And now her sisters want revenge: a dish, I remind you, which is best served cold.
T-Rex: ...STONE cold.
T-Rex: Oooh! Or alternatively, they could also be weed-hungry teens in a comedy called "Those Darn Stoners!!"
T-Rex: The problem of the artist isn't not having any ideas, it's having TOO MANY IDEAS while also being made of flesh that will die someday!