T-Rex: I thought it'd be cool to write a book from the point of view of my dog! I was all,
T-Rex: "I need to get inside my dog's head!" - Me!
T-Rex: And it was great! FOR EXAMPLE, take car trips: my dog has no context for "rotating a wheel which corresponds to the angle of the two front wheels perpendicular to it on the outside", so from his point of view, nobody's driving anything! A car is just this box we get into that takes us on a crazy fun ride, and the CAR decides where we end up! Then we get out and explore. I love it. It makes my car a magical benevolent being instead of a moneysink that poisons the air!
Utahraptor: Wow, I love this idea of a dog's-eye-view of the world!
T-Rex: The problem is, it's TOO good an idea!
T-Rex: It turns out dogs are so awesome that maybe EVERY book should be written from the point of view of a dog! Like, who here read Ulysses? Nobody, right? But who here would read PUPPY ULYSSES??
Utahraptor: I would read Puppy War and Pup-Pup Peace in a heartbeat.
T-Rex: Aw crap! Now I'm judging all actual books against the amazing but fictional Puppy War and Pup-Pup Peace!!
T-Rex: Well, it looks like I'M never reading again