T-Rex: I love in old Star Trek episodes where Spock goes around saying "computers don't make mistakes". I love that his lines were written by someone who clearly had never touched a computer.
T-Rex: Computers screw up all the time, yo!
T-Rex: And don't give me that "they only make mistakes if they're programmed to" garbage. I had a computer with a faulty HDD controller, so random bits would get flipped on random files all the time. It made my photos DECAY, getting slightly worse every time I looked at them, until they weren't readable at all.
T-Rex: That computer made some friggin mistakes!
Utahraptor: But you gotta love the idea behind the line, T-Rex: that if we only tried, we could one day create a perfect machine!
Utahraptor: That beautiful faith that, despite all that we are, one day we'll overcome our problems and flaws and inner nature and actually bring something pure and faultless and more perfect than ourselves into this world.
T-Rex: It's a wonderful idea.
Utahraptor: It is.
Off panel: Hooray for fiction: The Place Where We Imagined What Things Would Be Like If We Were Better Than We Are!™
T-Rex: And Also If There Were Robot Men Who Would Be Our Friends™!
Off panel: And Also That™.