T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: *deeper sigh*
Dromiceiomimus: Hey, what's wrong, T-Rex? Why the long face?
T-Rex: *deepest sigh yet*
Dromiceiomimus: Don't feel like talking, huh?
T-Rex: *an even deeper sigh*
T-Rex: *uncomfortably long sigh*
Utahraptor: These sighs are approaching the limits of your lung capacity!
T-Rex: *sigh suggesting a deep knowledge of heartbreak and experience which, to hear it with even a shred of empathy, makes you want to weep for all our own lost potentials*
Utahraptor: T-Rex, stop! You're making me emotional!!
T-Rex: *sigh whose memory you'll carry with you in a small and secret place of your soul until the day you die*
Off panel: Aw dang it, I was SAVING that small and secret place in my soul for something special!!
Off panel: *sigh*