T-Rex: Introducing yourself to people can be tricky. What do you say? How do you make sure they like you? How do you bring them from never having heard of you to wanting to know more??
T-Rex: Heck if I know! That's not MY job!!
T-Rex: But it IS the job of advertisers and copywriters. They do that all day long! You give 'em a hamburger and they're like "ah yes, time to create a 30-second pitch for this meat sandwich that both distinguishes it from all other burgers AND smoothly carries the general population on a journey from ignorance to desire, without them even noticing!"
Utahraptor: So you're saying - hire an advertising company to make a pitch for YOU?
T-Rex: Heck yeah I am!
T-Rex: Look, we're always meeting new people and being told to introduce ourselves. Why NOT have a market-tested pitch in your back pocket? I'm gonna have a resonant narrative! A memorable slogan! Hell, maybe even a CATCHY JINGLE that will stay stuck in your head for WEEKS after meeting me!!
Narrator: LATER:
Off panel: ♪ "T-Rex, he's the best! Associate him with great ol' sex!" ♫
Off panel: AW DANG IT, it's STILL stuck in my head!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah!
T-Rex: Anyway, I'm free later if anyone wants to do anything or whatever