T-Rex: Man! I hate this feeling of thinking I'm supposed to be doing something important but not being able to remember what that might be! Luckily for me, I have the perfect solution!
T-Rex: I'll simply assume I didn't have anything important to do today!
T-Rex: While I'm at it, I'm going to assume I actually have the free will necessary to consent to do anything in the first place. And I'll need to assume that I haven't somehow been dropped into a convincing but meaningless simulation of the world I once knew!
Dromiceiomimus: Don't forget to totally assume the world you once knew wasn't a simulation either!
T-Rex: Frig! Good catch!!
Utahraptor: Also you should assume your senses accurately represent the world!
T-Rex: As usual!
Utahraptor: And you'll need to totally assume that the world wasn't started a microsecond ago with your "memories" merely part of the initial state.
T-Rex: Right.
Utahraptor: Man. Lot of assumptions we're making here just to get you out of putting your wet laundry in the dryer.
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 AW MAN!! That was it! And stale wet laundry smells the worst of all the things!!
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 I hate to say it, but -
T-Rex: 〚thinks〛 You messed up this timeline but good, T-Rex